DC Life Groups
DC Life Groups are not a program, nor are they "just another meeting." They are a way of seeing Jesus move outside of church buildings. They are a way of releasing Christians as ministers and is a fantastic way of reaching the real needs of people. We know that as we intentionally gather, with our focus on the Lord, He is faithful to meet us there!
Prayerfully consider whether this is your season to get plugged-in to a life group, or maybe lead one.

Becoming a Leader
"Go to the people of all nations and make them My disciples."
We love seeing people empowered to teach and lead DC Life Groups!
At Destiny we have a leadership training and an interview that ALL leaders need to complete before being able to lead a group. As we come alongside you, our desire is to equip you with all the tools you need in-order to flourish!
We know that as God uses you to lead people, you will grow in all He has for you!
Free Market
Free Market Groups are formed around a Leader's passion or interest. They encourage community, and build relationships while growing your knowledge of the Lord and having fun!
Free Market Groups involve Spiritual Growth, Bible Studies and Activities such as pickleball, walking, running, kayaking, and Game Nights!
They are as diverse as the people at Destiny!
Essentials Discipleship
Groups in this category are a suggested set of groups, that people are encouraged to attend to become a better follower of Christ. They build the Foundation of your walk with Christ.
These groups include-Authority, Holy Spirit, Healing, Spiritual Warfare, Prophecy, Prayer, Marriage & Family, and Finance.
Our DC Life Groups meet throughout the year - in two semesters. One starts in the Spring time and the other meets in the Fall.
Each semester contains groups that run either in 12 week or 6 week increments.